Military history park Fedyukhiny Heights

Architectural and urban planning design for the military history park Fedyukhiny Heights in the city of Sevastopol, Republic of Crimea. The park has a huge territory — 128 hectares, a small infrastructure and no well-developed automobile and footpath and pedestrian networks.

Architects carefully analyzed the current location of the object, made several pre-design sketches in accordance with the technical requirements and the properties of the landscape.

The territory has great potential: Crimea has a rich history and heritage — in ancient times the island was inhabited by Tauri, then Scythians, and later Genoese colonies appeared here. In the Fedyukhiny Heights park great emphasis is placed on historical events, so there are many thematic sites on the territory where fans of historic reenactment and role-playing games will find something to their liking.

The bureau worked on the project taking into consideration the historical context. The architects considered the interests of all park visitors. Thematic sites got navigation, information and visual design, as well as zoning. For those who are not ready to limit themselves to just games, there are spacious campsites, an info center 2020+, a market area, playgrounds, a shooting club and other leisure places. The architects also worked on the park, entrance and entrance groups design, as well as design of the technical area.

The «technical» opening of the three thematic areas is planned for the fall of 2019, and in 2020 the construction work and improvements will be completed in the remaining zones.



Location Sevastopol
Square 128 ha
Year 2018
Status Built
Client Svik LLC
